In the past years I found myself interested in a vast ocean of different topics. Even if becoming an expert in all of them is a distant hope, I always thought that documenting this interestes could lead to curious and potentially interesting connections.
I tried many different methods: notebooks, Notion and ultimately Obsidian but I think that sharing such dives into unknown (for me) concepts could transform the way I approach them.
I then created this website using Hugo and the Papermod theme and hosted it with Vercel. I chose the most straightforward way of creating a website since web development is distant from my area of “expertise”. The main objective of this website is not to experiment and dive into web framework and technologies but rather showcase and discuss other topics I came in contact with.
I will not post articles regularly but only when a topic feels worthy of deeper analisys. I hope to spark at least the interest of one person with my texts and I hope to learn a lot more from them. I’m always open to exchange information and insights, contact me through my socials or through the contact informations inside the main page.
Thank you for your attention!